
Antenatal care is a program that can reduce maternal and infant mortality. Antenatal care program is able to detect complications early in pregnancy followed by health education and prevention of pregnancy complications. The standard frequency of antenatal care visits based on WHO recommendations in 2016 is 8 times. The study aims to analyze the risk factors that influence the frequency of antenatal care visits. The research used was an analytic epidemiological study with a cross sectional approach. The dependent variable was pregnant women at the puskesmas and the independent variables were age, education, occupation, family income, parity, perception, family support, husband support, knowledge. The number of samples obtained from the calculation of the simple random sampling formula is 140. After the data was collected, it was processed and then analyzed univariate, biavariate, multivariate. Statistical test results show that risk factors that influence the frequency of antenatal care visits are parity (PR = 2,453; 95% CI = 1,129-5,331; Pvalue = 0.023) and knowledge (PR = 5,114; 95% CI = 1,878-13,922; Pvalue = 0.001). Good knowledge of pregnant women about antenatal care checks then antenatal care pregnancy visits with the number of visits ? 6 times. The higher the mother's understanding of the importance of antenatal care for maternal and infant health, the better behavior to get health services for pregnancy. Health workers are expected to apply the ANC visit frequency standard in accordance with WHO 2016 standards and increase maternal knowledge about pregnancy to family planning through pregnant mother classes.
 Keywords : risk factor, frekuency, visits, antenatal care


  • Occupation, family income, parity, perception, family support, husband support, knowledge

  • Statistical test results show that risk factors that influence the frequency of antenatal care visits are parity (PR = 2,453; 95% CI = 1,129-5,331; Pvalue = 0.023) and knowledge (PR = 5,114; 95% CI = 1,878-13,922; Pvalue = 0.001)

  • Health workers are expected to apply the antenatal care (ANC) visit frequency standard in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 standards and increase maternal knowledge about pregnancy to family planning through pregnant mother classes

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ABSTRAK Antenatal care merupakan program yang mampu menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi. Program antenatal care mampu mendeteksi secara dini komplikasi sejak kehamilan diikuti dengan pendidikan kesehatan dan pencegahan komplikasi kehamilan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi kunjungan antenatal care. Hasil uji statistik meunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi kunjungan antenatal care adalah paritas (PR = 2,453; 95% CI=1,129-5,331; Pvalue=0,023) dan pengetahuan (PR = 5,114; 95% CI=1,878-13,922; Pvalue=0,001). Pengetahuan baik ibu hamil tentang pemeriksaan kehamilan maka kunjungan kehamilan antenatal care dengan jumlah kunjungan ≥ 6 kali. Semakin tinggi pemahaman ibu tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan kehamilan untuk kesehatan ibu dan bayi maka perilaku untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan untuk kehamilan semakin baik. Bagi petugas kesehatan diharapkan menerapkan standar frekuensi kunjungan ANC sesuai dengan standar WHO 2016 dan meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu tentang kehamilan sampai dengan keluarga berencan melalui kelas ibu hamil

PENDAHULUAN Era Sustainable Development
Trimester II
Frekuensi kunjungan ANC
Sebagian besar ibu memiliki pekerjaan sebagai ibu rumah tangga yaitu
ANC karena tidak menunjukkan proporsi yang berbeda antara pendapatan keluarga
Pekerjaan bukan faktor risiko yang signifikan terhadap frekuensi kunjungan
Regional And Global Levels And
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