
This study covers the freight vehicle, which clears the custom clearance process for Kathmandu and transports the same goods to Kathmandu from Birgunj. In this study average travel time for freight vehicles from Birgunj to Nagdhunga has been studied, along with the factors affecting the travel time from Birgunj to Nagdhunga. License plate monitoring method of the freight vehicles was done to find the average travel time and a questionnaire survey was done to identify the factors affecting travel time of the freight vehicle. The travel time from Birgunj to Nagdhunga is different for different types of, vehicle and good. The fastest average travel time is of fixed container of 40 feet size with 23.2 hours and longest average time is for fixed container of 20 feet size with 28.95 hours. The average travel time for non-degradable goods is 26.5 hours and for degradable goods is 22.38 hours. Major factors affecting the travel time are traffic congestion along the route, bad road condition along the route and hilly road with sharp bends, turns and grade.

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