
Selfed and backcross progenies developed from tetraploid somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum (tbr) and S. commersonii (cmm) were characterized for nonacclimated freezing tolerance (NA) and acclimation capacity (ACC) (two independent genetic components of freezing tolerance) under controlled environments. The segregation covered 28% and 71% of the parental range for NA and ACC, respectively, with the distribution skewed toward the tbr parent. Therefore, ACC appeared to be relatively easier to recover in the segregating generation. Some first backcross progeny had greater freezing tolerance than the cultivated parent primarily through the increase in ACC. When grown in the field, the improved freezing tolerance observed in the selfed progeny under controlled conditions was confirmed. Among NA, ACC, and freezing tolerance after acclimation (AA, which is the cumulative performance of NA and ACC), AA exhibited the highest correlation coefficient with field frost tolerance. In addition to freezing tolerance, vine maturity and tuber traits including tuber yield, tuber number per plant, mean tuber weight, and specific gravity were also segregating. No significant correlation between undesirable tuber traits and freezing tolerance was detected. Vine maturity and freezing tolerance were significantly correlated, so more careful selection for earliness was necessary in incorporating freezing tolerance. Yield comparable or superior to the backcross parent Wis AG 231 and an early Canadian cultivar, ‘Sable’, was found in many backcross progeny and some selfed progeny. The observed high yield can be attributed to the increase in mean tuber weight as well as tuber number. Moreover, a high portion of progeny had a specific gravity higher than 1.085, and some greater than 1.1. The implications derived from this study in breeding for freezing tolerance and further use of these materials are discussed.

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