
In recent years, it has been found that some concrete structures, even for some high performance concrete and ready mixed concrete under good quality control, start to deteriorate long before reaching their designed service life. Cracks are found after the structure has been completed for a few years, which results in the shortening of service life and lowering in durability. In this paper, the influence on the fracture properties of fiber reinforced polymer concrete, FRPC, subjected to freeze–thaw and thermal degradation, is discussed. The study on the damage influence was conducted using a climate chamber to perform the temperature changes on the single edge notched beams. FRPC specimens were subjected to freeze–thaw and higher temperature cycles and then tested according to RILEM standards. To determine the stress intensity factor, K Ic, critical crack tip opening displacement CTODc, the Two Parameter Method was used and the fracture energy, G f of the specimens was calculated to evaluate the fracture properties of FRPC. Three-point bending tests were carried out on notched beams with a clip gauge attached to measure the crack mouth opening displacement CMOD. Polymer concrete was reinforced with short glass and carbon fiber with 1% and 2% in mass respectively, to determine whether the reinforcement increases the performance of the material. The fracture properties of FRPC are reported in such conditions.

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