
The COVID-19 pandemic threatening both to humans’ lives and society gave a start to a row of extreme political measures taken in the EU countries as well as all over the world. But how reasonable are all those protective policies adopted in large numbers by national governments and international institutions? That is the point at issue for today’s scientists, politicians and religious leaders. The measures taken were primarily based on numerous prohibitions including the ban on public worship. It became even more of a nuisance in April 2020 when it came to celebrating Easter, the most important Christian festival. The public worship ban got a mixed reception from European church leaders, clergy and laity. During the first stage of the pandemic both the church and the churchgoers took it for granted and showed no signs of dissatisfaction. Moreover, religious organizations became deeply involved into social and charitable activities. But after the first consequences of the pandemic were thought over the situation took a new turn. Now the church representatives declare the right to religious freedom being violated and criticize national governments for overall discrimination towards the believers. These events are the reason to improve European legislation where it goes to respecting the right to freedom of religion and belief together with maintaining security as the basis for sustainable economic, political and cultural development in Europe.


  • both to humans' lives and society gave a start to a row of extreme political measures taken in the EU countries

  • all those protective policies adopted in large numbers by national governments

  • That is the point at issue for today's scientists

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Вводимая повсеместно практика чрезвычайных запретительных мер, самоизоляции, социального дистанцирования повлекла за собой и запрет на публичные богослужения, который в дальнейшем трансформировался в сложную и строгую систему санитарно-эпидемиологических условий отправления религиозных служб, отпуска треб и т.д. Несмотря на согласие подавляющего большинства конфессий соблюдать эти необходимые правила, включая богослужения не в храмах, а на открытом воздухе, масштабную социальную работу клириков, ассоциированных с конфессиями благотворительных организаций, мирян, публичные предпасхальные и пасхальные службы были запрещены.

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