
The article is devoted to comprehending such important categories for modern pedagogy as freedom in the space of upbringing, the formation of a free personality from the standpoint of a humanistic approach to the personality of a pupil. The main attention is paid to the pedagogical heritage of O. S. Gazman, his pedagogical ideas and scientific and theoretical generalizations. The pedagogical legacy of O. S. Gazman is perceived today not only in the context of the pedagogically important judgments he proposes, methodological generalizations expressed in the era of perestroika. From the standpoint of pedagogy of the XXI century, the organization of modern Russian education, the ideas expressed by O. S. Gazman appear as an innovative philosophical and pedagogical concept, in which the main concepts are freedom, self-education of the individual, and pedagogical support. At the same time, in our opinion, work on the most important ideas of O. S. Gazman today in domestic pedagogy is insufficient. To a greater extent, perhaps, his idea of pedagogical support is being comprehended and used, which today has acquired some methodological features and is being implemented in many educational institutions, primarily thanks to his students and followers, N. N. Mikhailova and S. M. Yusfin. O. S. Gazman’s judgments regarding freedom as the core of the formation of a modern personality, capable of making his own choice, realizing his various life strategies and scenarios, correlating with his moral attitudes and ready to fully bear responsibility for this choice – of course, are insufficiently commented and far from are fully included in the theory and practice of modern pedagogy. However, there is no doubt that such innovative ideas rightfully puts O. S. Gazman on a par with outstanding domestic thinkers, such as, for example, S. I. Gessen practice. The purpose of the article is to analyze the most significant scientific provisions stated by O. S. Gazman and concerning the essence of freedom and the resources of its formation among pupils. Basic research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, comparative analysis of theoretical and pedagogical concepts; theoretical generalizations. Research results: it was concluded that, firstly, O. S. Gazman firmly established freedom as an integral category, new for its time, understood as the integrity of the personality core of a developing person; secondly, the ideas of O. S. Gazman and his assumptions regarding the implementation of the principle of free-spirited upbringing, which he managed to implement in his pedagogical activity, today finally acquire the features of practical comprehension and application.

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