
This work provides an insight of the free vibration behaviour based on experimental modal analysis of hybrid natural fibre reinforced polymer composites fabricated via compression moulding method. This study aims to study the impact of different polymer matrices (vinyl ester and epoxy) and stacking order of different natural fibres (Jute, Kenaf and Banana) on the composite’s free vibration characteristics. Jute-Kenaf-Banana-Epoxy (JKBE) matrix composites exhibited enhanced free vibration properties compared to single fiber reinforcements, except the banana/epoxy composites. Additionally, Jute-Kenaf-Banana-Vinyl ester (JKBV) composites demonstrated improved free vibration properties in comparison to single fiber reinforcements, with the exception of kenaf/vinyl ester composites. Kenaf-Banana-Jute-Jute-Banana-Kenaf-Epoxy (KBJJBKE) and Kenaf-Banana-Jute-Jute-Banana-Kenaf-Vinyl ester (KBJJBKV) hybrid composites showed the highest natural frequencies of 68.36 Hz and 97.66 Hz, respectively. However, there was no significant improvements in the natural frequencies of Jute-Kenaf-Banana-Kenaf-Banana-Jute-Epoxy (JKBKBJE) and Jute-Kenaf-Banana-Kenaf-Banana-Jute-Vinyl ester (JKBKBJV) hybrid composites. The highest damping factor was observed for JKBKBJE (0.153) and JKBKBJV (0.224) hybrid composites. These hybrid composites with better free vibration properties shall be a potential candidate in the automobile interior applications.

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