
Background:COVID-19 pandemic has plagued the world for the past two years. Inflammatory response to SARS CoV 2 virus, social isolation due to quarantine and lock down, loss of loved ones to COVID-19, financial constraints, fear associated with morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 infection are risk factors for developing neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients who have recovered from COVID-19 infection.Aim & Objective:To assess the socio-demographic profile neuropsychiatric manifestations in Post-COVID patients.Materials and methods:Cross-sectional study conducted in Ramaiah Hospital from June 2020 to June 2021. All Patients who have tested negative after infection by COVID 19 and referred by the treating physician from Post-COVID clinic were recruited. Data pertaining to socio-demographic details, family history of COVID infection and death due to same was recorded. Psychiatric diagnosis was made using International Classification of Disease – 10 (ICD-10).Results:Forty patients were recruited for the study. Most of them were male (N=23, 57.5%), age between 30-45 years (N=14, 35.0%), married (N=31, 77.5%), employed (N=25, 62.5%), and urban population (N=39, 97.5%). Most of the participants had family history of COVID-19 (N=23, 57.5%), did not have death in family due to COVID-19 (N=33, 82.5%) and did not suffer from pre-existing psychiatric illness (N=33, 82.5%). The most common psychiatric diagnosis was Panic Disorder (N=13, 32.5%) followed by Depression (N=12, 30.0%).Conclusion:Mental health professionals should prepare to manage the mental health pandemic that is co-occurring with COVID-19 pandemic and is likely to continue beyond the COVID-19 infection pandemic.

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