
A monadic (Boolean) algebra is a Boolean algebra A together with an operator 3 on A (called an existential quantifier, or, simply, a quantifier) such that 30=0, pfk 3p, and 3(^A 3q) = 3p* 3g whenever p and q are in A. Most of this note uses nothing more profound about monadic algebras than the definition. The reader interested in the motivation for and the basic facts in the theory of monadic algebras may, however, wish to consult [2]. Every Boolean algebra can be converted into a monadic algebra, usually in several ways. (One way is to write 3p = p for all p; another is to write Bp =0 or 1 according p =0 or py^O. These special operators are known the discrete and the simple quantifier, respectively.) It follows, a fortiori, that every Boolean algebra can be embedded into a monadic algebra, and it is clear, on grounds of universal algebra, that among the monadic extensions of a Boolean algebra there is one that is as free possible. To be more precise, let us say that a monadic algebra A is a free monadic extension of a Boolean algebra B if (i) B is a Boolean subalgebra of A, (ii) A is (monadically) generated by B, (iii) every Boolean homomorphism g that maps B into an arbitrary monadic algebra C has a (necessarily unique) extension to a monadic homomorphism f that maps A into C. The statement that a monadic extension as free possible always exists means that every Boolean algebra B has a free monadic extension A; the algebra A is uniquely determined to within a monadic isomorphism that is equal to the identity on B. The purpose of what follows is to give a constructive proof of this fact, i.e., a proof that exhibits A by means of certain set-theoretic constructions based on B (instead of a structurally not very informative proof via equivalence classes of strings of symbols). A by-product of the proof is a rather satisfying insight into the structure of the (Stone) dual space of the free monadic extension. The theorem can (and will) be formulated in such a way to subsume the results of Hyman Bass [l ] on the cardinal number of finitely generated free monadic algebras. The idea of the construction is this. Step 1: form a free Boolean algebra generated by a copy of B. Step 2: adjoin the elements of that

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