
Bulk properties and free interfaces of mixtures of charged platelike colloids and salt are studied within the density-functional theory. The particles are modeled by hard cuboids with their edges constrained to be parallel to the Cartesian axes corresponding to the Zwanzig model. The charges of the particles are concentrated in their center. The density functional is derived by functional integration of an extension of the Debye-Hückel pair distribution function with respect to the interaction potential. For sufficiently small macroion charges, the bulk phase diagrams exhibit one isotropic and one nematic phase separated by a first-order phase transition. With increasing platelet charge, the isotropic and nematic binodals are shifted to higher densities. The Donnan potential between the coexisting isotropic and nematic phases is inferred from bulk structure calculations. Nonmonotonic density and nematic order parameter profiles are found at a free interface interpolating between the coexisting isotropic and nematic bulk phases. Moreover, electrically charged layers form at the free interface leading to monotonically varying electrostatic potential profiles. Both the widths of the free interfaces and the bulk correlation lengths are approximately given by the Debye length. For fixed salt density, the interfacial tension decreases upon increasing the macroion charge.

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