
Eggs of Xenopus laevis were preloaded with aequorin and the spatial and temporal pattern of free calcium release in the egg cortex on artificial activation was determined by the aequorin luminescence emitted from the thin cortical layer of naturally opaque eggs. The aequorin luminescence was detected with a photonic microscope system consisting of a light microscope and a two-dimensional photon-counting system with an image processor. A free calcium increase was initiated around the point of prick activation. The state of increased Ca 2+ propagated in the cortical cytoplasm of the egg as a wave with a velocity of about 8 μm/sec at 22°C. This wave reached the antipode by 5 to 6 min of prick activation. The spatial pattern of the Ca 2+ wave was similar to that of changes in brightness of the egg surface on activation, termed the “activation wave” by K. Hara and P. Tydeman (1979, Wilhelm Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., 186, 91–94). To examine the temporal correlation between the Ca 2+ wave and the activation wave, images of aequorin luminescence and those of the egg cortex taken by incident light illumination were recorded alternately in the same egg. The zone of free calcium increase corresponded to the light (relaxation) zone of the activation wave, where exocytosis of cortical granules and elongation of microvilli were taking place.

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