
We use a meshless local Petrov-Galerkin Liu (2001) have used the MLPG method to find natu- (MLPG) method to analyze three-dimensional infinitesi- ral frequencies and forced plane ,strain deformations.of mal elastodynamic deformations of a homogeneous rect- a cantilever beam. Batra and Chmg .(2002~ have de!m- angular plate subjected to different edge conditions. We eated the time evolution of the stress-mtenslty factor m a employ a higher-order plate theory in which both trans- double edge-cracked plate. verse shear and transverse normal deformations are con- Atluri and Shen (2002a,b) have compared the perfor- sidered. Natural frequencies and the transient response manceof six' variants of the MLPG method for solving to external loads have been computed for isotropic Poisson's equation. Qian et al. (2002) used two of these and orthotropic plates. Computed results are found to formulations to study elastostatic deformations of a thick agree with those obtained from the analysis of the 3- rectangular plate with a compatible higher-order shear dimensional problem either analytically or by the finite and normal deformable plate theory (HOSNDPT) pro- element method.

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