
Ozet: Beigbeder, yapitinin tamamiyla ozel yasami uzerine yapilandigi ve kendinin farkli kurgulama yontemleri araciligiyla oz varligindan esinlendigi bir yazar olarak son yillarda adindan cokca soz ettirir. Yazarin Romantik Egoist ’i (2005) gunluk biciminde yazilmis bu turden bir metindir. Yazinsal tur baglaminda tartismali bir gorunum sunan metin, yazarinin hem kendisi hem de bir baskasi olarak okurla bulustugu bir alandir. Nasil olur da metninde belirgin bir bicimde kendisini aciga vuran yazar bir baskasi olabilir? Ardina gizlendigi anlaticiyla aralarindaki benzerlikler nasil yorumlanabilir? Bu calismanin eregi, Beigbeder’in bizzat kendisinin “birinin gunlugu ve bir kusagin kronigi” olarak tanimladigi Romantik Egoist adli yapitini ozyasamoykusu/ozkurmaca, soylem/anlati ve tur nitelikleri cercevesinde irdelemektir. Hybrid Self-Narrative untitled Romantic Egoist by Frederic Beigbeder: Is it an Autobiography, Postmodern Diary, or, Auto-Fiction Novel? Absract: Frederic Beigbeder makes his name popular in literature recently as a writer who structures his work of arts on his private life by using various self-fictionalizing methods. Romantic Egoist (2005) is such a novel written in diary form. The novel presents debate in terms of literary style, and serves the author as both himself and as other to the reader. In what way the author appears openly in his text, and thus becomes other, and how is he evaluated as other by hiding behind the teller? The purpose of this study is to examine Romantic Egoist as structured around the features of autobiography/auto-fiction, discourse/narrative, and as Beigbeder defines himself, “one’s diary and a chronicle of a generation.”

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