
Public companies that are supposed to provide transparent and accountable information to outside parties, sometimes still hide facts and information that have a bad influence on their company's reputation. Public companies in Indonesia in carrying out their business activities have been specifically regulated and supervised by an independent institution, called the Financial Services Authority (OJK). OJK itself has issued several regulations on the presentation of financial statements, such as regulation no. IX.E.2 and rule number VIII.G. This study aims to detect financial statement fraud with the fraud pentagon model. Researchers use elements of financial stability, external pressure, personal financial need, financial target, nature of industry, ineffective monitoring, quality of external auditor, change in auditor, change of directors and frequent number of CEO's picture as independent variables on the ability to detect financial statement fraud as dependent variables. This study uses a sample of fraud companies that are subject to sanctions and cases of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) related to OJK regulations VIII G. 7 and IX. E. 2 in 2015-2019. The company sample consists of 31 fraudulent companies and 31 non-fraud companies.

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