
This paper attempts to explore specifics of fraternization in one of the most efficient armies of the Eastern European Theater during the First World War - the 8th army of the South-Western front. The election of this chronological framework - spring-summer 1917 - was due to the fact that it was during this period of fraternization and its close forms when soldiers of the opposing armies were unprecedentedly widespread on the Russian front in general and in the 8th army in particular. This was due to the fact that after the fall of the monarchy in Russia, the soldiers masses wanted to put an end to the war. Fraternization at the front became possible due to the weakening of the power of the command staff in the conditions of the revolution. The paper presents the facts of the Austro-German side interest in fraternization development, as well as the measures taken by the command of the Russian army and the soldiers committees to stop fraternization. It should be noted that for most Russian soldiers fraternization was of great interest because it allowed them to barter with the military forces of the Quadruple Alliance, which had an opportunity to obtain bread in exchange for any things or alcohol.


  • The object of the research is the Orthodox missionary; the subject is the specifics of the missionary activity of Orthodox adepts in interfaith relations and contradictions

  • The author sets a goal to determine the role of Orthodox missionary in interfaith interaction in the south of Western Siberia in the second third of XIX – beginning of XX century

  • The paper focuses on the traditional and innovative tactical methods of improving preaching, which was transformed under the influence of changes in the state course with regard to national outskirts, and the intensification of confessional rivals

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А в разведывательной сводке за 11 апреля сообщалось: «...[на] участке 1[-го] грен[адерского] полка 1[-й] пех[отной] див[изии] (выс[ота] 1477 и Рыпеци, что 11 вёр[ст] [к] юго-западу Томнатик) был выброшен белый флаг с надписью "Мир"» [23, л. Что, помимо братаний, на фронте 8-й армии имела место и несколько иная форма контактов – посылка парламентёров от австро-германских войск.

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