
The Frasnian conodonts of the eastern Russian Platform from the Timan in the north to the Orenburg Region in the south are characterized in detail both paleontologically and stratigraphically. This paper is a continuation of a previously published monograph (Ovnatanova and Kononova, 2001) on the Frasnian conodonts of the shallow-water strata of the central Russian Platform, where polygnathids prevail. The conodont assemblages from the shallow-water and basinal sections of the Volga-Ural province and Southern Timan are analyzed. Problems and difficulties associated with the correlation of the shallow-water and deep-water Frasnian sections of the eastern Russian Platform and their correlation with the existing zonal conodont scales are discussed. The correlation between the deep-water Mendym deposits and the shallow-water Rechitza and Voronezh strata of the Volga-Ural province with the Vetlasyan and Sirachoi deposits of the Southern Timan is substantiated. The stratotype of the Semiluki Regional Stage of the Central Devonian Field contains equivalents of the lowermost beds of the Domanik Formation (unit 1), based entirely on polygnathids. Phylogenetic reconstructions for Palmatolepis and Polygnathus are suggested based on the ontogenetic series for some species of these two genera and the presence of transitional forms between some of the species. Based on these phylogenetic reconstructions, conodont zonal scales for the shallow-water and deep-water sections of the Frasnian Stage of the Russian Platform are proposed and their correlation with the existing conodont zonal scales is also adduced. Some aspects of biofacies control are considered based on the distribution of conodonts in the sections studied. In Systematic Paleontology, 91 conodont species of the genera Ancyrodella, Mesotaxis, Palmatolepis, and Polygnathus are described, including the new species Palmatolepis menneri, P. kaledai, P. acutangularis, and Polygnathus reitlingerae.

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