
Until 2017 “two blocks” dominated the French political party system . Alternative governments of the left and of the bourgeois-conservative camp have alternated since the 1960s . Due to the drastic losses of the traditional parties as Les Républicains as well as the Socialists and the electoral successes of the liberal-conservative Macron supporters, the supporters of the radical right-wing Le Pen’s movement and the left-wing socialist party under Jean-Luc Mélenchon there has been a new development towards an asymmetry . Since the most recent parliamentary elections in 2022, one can speak of a tripolar system: Alongside Macrons La République en Marche (now Renaissance), the right-wing Rassemblement National under Marine Le Pen and the left-wing group La France Insoumise under Jean Luc Mélenchon . The once dominant parties of the Fifth Republic still exist, but are only a shadow of themselves .

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