
This technical note (TN) sets out the findings and recommendations made in the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) for France in the areas of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). The TN summarizes the findings of a targeted review of France’s AML/CFT framework with respect to measures to prevent and combat terrorist financing (TF), risk-based supervision of banks, real estate agents, company service providers and lawyers, measures to tackle cross-border crimes, and fintech. It provides a factual update on the key measures taken by the authorities since France’s previous assessment against the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standard during 2010-2011. The TN is not, in any way, an evaluation or assessment of France’s AML/CFT system. France is scheduled to undergo a comprehensive assessment against the prevailing standard during 2020–2021 by the FATF.

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