
From March 30 to April 12, 2021, members of the French Senate considered the government-prepared draft law on «countering separatism». His ideology is primarily aimed at curbing the increased activity of supporters of «political Islam» (Islamism) in France. Earlier, on February 16, 2021, the National Assembly (lower house of parliament) had approved the document. As shown in the first part of the article, the discussion of the draft deepened the split in the Muslim community of France between followers of moderate Islam, who supported the efforts of the government, and Islamists, who rejected the main provisions of the document. This article attempts to analyze a new stage of relations between the state and the Muslim community of the country – against the background of the decisions made by the senators. Accusing the French government of «Islamophobia»”, Islamic radicals appeal to the leadership of the European Union. Behind them, the figure of the Turkish President R.T. Erdogan, who is increasingly using religious rows in Europe for his own political purposes. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the escalating confrontation in the Muslim environment and around it is acquiring more and more obvious political implications in France.


  • the discussion of the draft deepened the split in the Muslim community of France

  • who supported the efforts of the government

  • who rejected the main provisions of the document

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Автор статьи приходит к выводу о том, что обостряющееся противостояние в мусульманской среде и вокруг неё приобретает во Франции всё более очевидный политический подтекст. Если при голосовании в Национальном собрании 16 февраля треть депутатов (а с учётом воздержавшихся и больше трети) сочли законопроект дискриминирующим мусульманскую общину страны, то две трети сенаторов (208 против 109) наоборот назвали предложенные правительством меры недостаточными.

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