
VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL RICHMOND, VIRGINIA MARCH 28-30, 2008 In late March, Richmond, Virginia, once capital of Confederate South, turns into capital of French film in United States. The annual French Film Festival, organized by Virginia. Commonwealth University (VCU), screens eleven features and several short films. Sixteen years ago, VCU French Professor Peter Kirkpatrick and his wife Francoise co-founded festival, which has since grown into largest in U.S. As programmers, Kirkpatricks view most French films produced each year, even though films might not have an American distributor yet and indeed some will never be released in this country. The festival offers public opportunity to experience the true diversity of French film industry, according to Kirkpatrick.(1) The event is conveniently located in artsy Carytown district of Richmond. The movies are screened in gorgeous Byrd Theatre, a grand, old movie palace built in 1928 that seats 1,400. The lengthy festival opener, Laerent Boutonnatt,s Jacquo le Croquant (2007), used history as a mere backdrop for a rather predictable adventure story in which good triumphed over evil. The next day's film, Daniel Vigne's fean de la Fontaine (2007), about famous creator of fables, drew a fascinating portrait of a poet turned critic of regime of Sun King Louis XIV and made history come alive. The French love history and literature, so it was no surprise that many of films were based on successful novels. With Sam Karmann's La Verite ou presque (2007), festival hit its stride. The film, an almost-comedy about several couples struggling to be honest in their relationships, seemed quintessentially French in subject matter. This was surprising as it is based on 2001 novel True Enough by American author Stephen McCauley. One of prime examples for artistic success and strength of French cinema was film by cinema veteran Jean Becker, Dialogue avec mon jardinier (2007). Loosely translated as Conversations with my gardener, it is a film about a gradually developing friendship between two former schoolmates. In its quiet ways it speaks loudly of alchemy of French cinema. The film's narrative almost immediately pulls audience into a dialogue between a successful but exhausted Parisian painter and his childhood friend Leo, whom he hires to take care of his garden. …

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