
Clothing selection is a product of social construction that defines what people choose to wear. The choice of what, how, and when to select what individuals, wear is based on the perception that surrounds their reality. For the purpose of this research work, factors influencing clothing selection have been organized into a framework to facilitate easier understanding. The factors influencing clothing selection have been arranged into a logical system of concepts grouped into four categories: Social/Psychological, Economic, Environmental, and Physiological Factors. A detailed deconstruction of each of these factors has been further conceptualized into smaller concepts and discussed in a nuanced context. Under the Social/Psychological factors are concepts such as culture, gender, occupation, personality, religion, socio-status, and fashion. Economic factors evaluated are concepts such as the Economic well-being of a Nation (GDP), the Economic status of individuals, Economic environment (availability of technology and raw materials and buying behavior). Environmental factors such as Location (Urban/Rural), Climatic conditions, protection from extreme weather conditions, and unconventional places like deep seas, and space were examined. Lastly, the physiological factors such as age, health condition, and figure were also evaluated. Developing a conceptual framework for understanding clothing selection is apt in filling the gap in Literature since most research works on factors influencing clothing selection may not have been organized into a framework for clothing selection, whether intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.

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