
When a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) implementation is planned, the potential userbase must be understood to determine the service potential. The characteristics and travel behaviour of the potential users to estimate the userbase for a MaaS service is not well understood. Additionally, studies in the developing country context are limited. This research has developed a framework to derive an understanding of the potential userbase using population as well as travel mode perspectives with a focus on developing countries. The framework was developed through literature to better understand the characteristics of a potential MaaS user to evaluate the potential userbase. The population perspective includes socio-demographic factors, subjective attitudes and perceptions and environmental considerations of a developing country MaaS user. The perspective of the travel mode includes travel demand and travel mode characteristics of a typical MaaS user. The framework was cross-validated with pilot MaaS studies to affirm and expand the various characteristics presented. Furthermore, a practical implementation of the framework was discussed to aid potential developing country MaaS operators and transport planners to understand the potential userbase for MaaS and to evaluate its potential success.

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