
K A s b he purpose of training programs for all medical specilities is to produce competent individuals who are able o meet the health-care needs of society. Recent editorils have commented on the crisis in medical education nd the requirement for defined competencies to assess erformance before new physicians begin independent edical practice. Effective since July 2002, the Acreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ACGME) listed 6 categories of competence, defined as he ACGME Outcomes Project (Table 1). This article does not address the specific need for emonstration of proficiency in technical skills. This is ot an issue for the surgical specialities only but also for hysicians training in cardiology, anaesthesiology, gasrointestinal medicine, chest medicine, and intervenional radiology, together with allied health specialists. he introduction of new techniques and instruments to hese specialities requires training of not just residents, ut also of independent practitioners. This was clearly vident with the increased rate of complications associted with the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystecomy and has led to the development of training prorams at many centers around the globe. Although there is a transfer of skills to the trainee, urrent training programs have not been designed from background of scientific research to ensure the curriclum is valid, efficient, and competency based. The aim f a surgical residency program is to produce competent rofessionals, displaying the cognitive, technical, and ersonal skills required to meet the needs of society. ithin the context of surgical procedures, patients can xpect satisfactory outcomes in terms of cure, complicaion rates, and return to daily activities. Technical profi-

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