
Are the values of the frame bulk and shear moduli of air saturated sediments, and those of water saturated sediments, the same or not the same? This problem is currently under debate. In this study, the frame bulk and shear moduli of air and water saturated glass beads with five different grain sizes are derived from the measured values of the longitudinal and shear wave velocities in these media. The grain sizes are 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mm. The longitudinal wave velocities are measured using piezoelectirc transducers with the operating frequency of 11.8 kHz for dry sample, and 500 kHz for wet sample. The shear wave velocities are measured using bimorph type piezoelectric transducers with the operating frequency of 3.5 kHz for both samples. The relationship between the values of these moduli in air and water saturated glass beads and the effect of grain size are investigated.

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