
We report on an investigation on the fragmentation dynamics of $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{q+}$ $(q=2,3)$ induced by 1-keV electron collisions utilizing an ion momentum imaging spectrometer. From the time-of-flight correlation maps five dominating dissociation channels of $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{2+}$ as well as one three-body fragmentation channel of $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{3+}$ are identified. The kinetic energy release (KER) distributions for these channels are obtained and compared with the data available in the literature. The Dalitz-like momentum diagram and the Newton diagram are employed to analyze the breakup mechanism in the three-body fragmentation channel. We found that, for $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{2+}$ dissociation into ${\mathrm{F}}^{+}+\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{2}}^{+}+\mathrm{F}$, ${\mathrm{F}}^{+}+\mathrm{C}{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+2\mathrm{F}$, and ${\mathrm{F}}^{+}+{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+{\mathrm{CF}}_{2}$, the concerted breakup is the dominating process. Channel ${\mathrm{C}}^{+}+{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+3\mathrm{F}$ is dominated by the initial charge separation, i.e., $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{2+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+\mathrm{C}{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+2\mathrm{F}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\mathrm{C}}^{+}+{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+3\mathrm{F}$. With the help of the native frame method, we assigned one sequential pathway and two concerted pathways for channel $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{3+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+{\mathrm{F}}^{+}+\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{2}}^{+}$. The branching ratios of these pathways are determined. The momentum correlation of the fragments and the deduced KER distribution indicate that different excited states of $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{3+}$ with different geometries are responsible for these three pathways. The Coulomb explosion model simulation shows that most of the events in this channel are produced by $\mathrm{C}{{\mathrm{F}}_{4}}^{3+}$ ions that have deformed geometries from the neutral ${\mathrm{CF}}_{4}$ molecule.

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