
The fragmentation of molecular cloud cores a factor of 1.1 denser than the critical Bonnor-Ebert sphere is examined though three-dimensional numerical simulations. A nested grid is employed to resolve fine structure down to 1 AU while following the entire structure of the molecular cloud core of radius 0.14 pc. A total of 225 models are shown to survey the effects of initial rotation speed, rotation law, and amplitude of bar mode perturbation. The simulations show that the cloud fragments whenever the cloud rotates sufficiently slowly to allow collapse but fast enough to form a disk before first-core formation. The latter condition is equivalent to $\Omega_0 t_{\rm ff} \gtrsim 0.05$, where $\Omega_0$ and $t_{\rm ff}$ denote the initial central angular velocity and the freefall time measured from the central density, respectively. Fragmentation is classified into six types: disk-bar, ring-bar, satellite, bar, ring, and dumbbell types according to the morphology of collapse and fragmentation. When the outward decrease in initial angular velocity is more steep, the cloud deforms from spherical at an early stage. The cloud deforms into a ring only when the bar mode m = 2 perturbation is very minor. The ring fragments into two or three fragments via ring-bar type fragmentation and into at least three fragments via ring type fragmentation. When the bar mode is significant, the cloud fragments into two fragments via either bar or dumbbell type fragmentation. These fragments eventually merge due to their low angular momenta, after which several new fragments form around the merged fragment via satellite type fragmentation.

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