
Electronic structure calculations on enzymes require hundreds of atoms to obtain converged results, but fragment-based approximations offer a cost-effective solution. We present calculations on enzyme models containing 500-600 atoms using the many-body expansion, comparing to benchmarks in which the entire enzyme-substrate complex is described at the same level of density functional theory. When the amino acid fragments contain ionic side chains, the many-body expansion oscillates under vacuum boundary conditions but rapid convergence is restored using low-dielectric boundary conditions. This implies that full-system calculations in the gas phase are inappropriate benchmarks for assessing errors in fragment-based approximations. A three-body protocol retains sub-kilocalorie per mole fidelity with respect to a supersystem calculation, as does a two-body calculation combined with a full-system correction at a low-cost level of theory. These protocols pave the way for application of high-level quantum chemistry to large systems via rigorous, ab initio treatment of many-body polarization.

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