
We propose a systematic analysis of deep neural networks (DNNs) based on a signal processing technique for network parameter removal, in the form of synaptic filters that identifies the fragility, robustness and antifragility characteristics of DNN parameters. Our proposed analysis investigates if the DNN performance is impacted negatively, invariantly, or positively on both clean and adversarially perturbed test datasets when the DNN undergoes synaptic filtering. We define three filtering scores for quantifying the fragility, robustness and antifragility characteristics of DNN parameters based on the performances for (i) clean dataset, (ii) adversarial dataset, and (iii) the difference in performances of clean and adversarial datasets. We validate the proposed systematic analysis on ResNet-18, ResNet-50, SqueezeNet-v1.1 and ShuffleNet V2 x1.0 network architectures for MNIST, CIFAR10 and Tiny ImageNet datasets. The filtering scores, for a given network architecture, identify network parameters that are invariant in characteristics across different datasets over learning epochs. Vice-versa, for a given dataset, the filtering scores identify the parameters that are invariant in characteristics across different network architectures. We show that our synaptic filtering method improves the test accuracy of ResNet and ShuffleNet models on adversarial dataset when only the robust and antifragile parameters are selectively retrained at any given epoch, thus demonstrating applications of the proposed strategy in improving model robustness.

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