
In layered reservoirs characterised by low matrix permeability, fracture networks control the main fluid flow paths. In limestone-marl alternations, however, the vertical fractureassociated permeability varies considerably between distinct layers. Within a succession, various sedimentological features (e.g. sedimentary layering or diagenetic bedding) lead to contrasting rock properties and thus may act as stress barriers. Stress barriers such as lithological contacts or thick marl layers can prevent the fracture propagation in layered rocks, making the prediction of potential fluid flow paths in such successions even more complicated. To improve the prediction of potential fluid flow path, it is crucial to find several layers without stress barriers, which act mechanically as a single unit (‘mechanical unit’). The aim of this doctoral study is to assess the impact of sedimentological and diagenetic features and petrophysical properties on vertical fracture propagation in limestone-marl alternations of the Jurassic Blue Lias Formation (Bristol Channel Basin, United Kingdom), in order to define different kinds of stress barriers and mechanical units. For this purpose, six sections characterised by different morphological variations (e.g. from limestone-dominated to marldominated) were comprehensively investigated combining sedimentological (e.g. field observations, thin section petrography, scanning electron microscopy, CaCO3- and Corgmeasurements), quantitative structural geological (e.g. characterisation of fracture networks) and petrophysical data (e.g. tensile and compressive strength-, rock hardness- and porositymeasurements). Concerning the quantitative structural geological approach, more than 4000 fractures were traced over several layers along a 15 m scan-line using a modified scan-line method (i.e. a combination of scan-line and window sampling). It is generally assumed that the spacing between tension fractures increases and the fracture density decreases with increasing bed thicknesses. This study revealed, however, that in the respective beds of these alternations this relationship is only limitedly applicable and can only be applied in cases of beds with laterally planar surfaces (i.e. well-bedded limestones). Even in beds with the same thickness the fracture spacing varies significantly in beds with irregular surfaces (i.e. semi-nodular limestones). That means fractures are unregularly spaced in seminodular limestones and more regularly spaced in well-bedded limestones. Furthermore, wellbedded limestones in the successions are generally characterised by higher percentages of stratabound fractures (57 %), while semi-nodular limestones show higher percentages of nonstratabound fractures (67 %). Not only is the fracture distribution in single beds crucial for the fracture propagation in layered rocks, but also stress barriers such as lithological contacts, thicknesses and heterogeneities within marl layers inhibit fracture propagation, as well. Stress barriers were identified based on vertical fracture termination at and crossing through lithological contacts and vertical fracture extension through layers (stratabound vs. nonstratabound fractures). Since not all lithological contacts prevent the fracture propagation in layered rock, the term was only used in this doctoral project for 50 % of fracture terminations at these contacts (i.e. ‘mechanical interfaces’). In addition thick marl layers (>0.20 m) bounded by mechanical interfaces and less than 50 % non-stratabound fractures are defined as ‘mechanical buffer’. Given the high heterogeneity of the Blue Lias Formation in fracture distribution also the impact of diagenesis varies significantly from section to section. For instance, three subsections in Wales were studied in detail, despite of their close vicinity and relative contemporaneous time, all three subsections reveal different sedimentological and diagenetic features on metre to micrometre scales (from early lithified over physically compacted) and are all characterised by dissimilar patterns of fracture terminating at and crossing through lithological contacts and fracture extension (e.g. percentages of nonstratabound fractures) within beds. Lithological contacts in diagenetic influenced successions are more gradual and hence are no mechanical interfaces, if additionally the contrast of CaCO3 contents between limestones and marls is low the succession can be defined as a mechanical unit which promotes the fracture propagation. The prediction of fracture network connectivity is difficult in lithological heterogeneous limestone-marl alternations such as the Blue Lias Formation with high heterogeneity in fracture distribution, different impact of diagenesis and effect of different stress barriers. This is particularly problematic for the characterisation of fracture networks and its application in outcrop analogue studies, which are commonly used to predict main fluid flow paths in such systems. The findings of this study are crucial to improve the quantification of fracture distribution and propagation in heterogeneous rock successions and, consequently, to refine definitions of mechanical units, being an important prerequisite for the prediction of fractureassociated permeability and fluid flow models.

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