
Data on elemental fractionation of alkali elements during laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of silicate reference glasses (NIST-610, BCR-2G, alkali element-doped andesite glasses) and crystalline mineral albite (NaAlSi3O8) are reported. Laser ablation ICP-MS and SIMS were used to determine differences in sample composition before and after laser interaction with the samples. The fractionation trends of the alkali elements are different from those of other lithophile elements, such as Ca and the rare earth elements (REEs). The rate of fractionation varies for different sample matrices and for different alkali elements in the same matrix. Data from SIMS analyses of the ejecta blanket deposited adjacent to the laser ablation crater in silicate NIST-610 glass and crystalline albite suggest a matrix dependent fractionation of alkali elements for different particle size fractions in the ablated aerosol. The extent of fractionation varies for different alkali elements and is independent of their ionic radii. Ion probe depth profiling into the bottom of laser craters showed laser ablation-induced chemical changes in the sample that involved alkali elements and major matrix elements including Si and Ca. This suggests that a combination of thermally-driven diffusion and size-dependent particle fractionation are responsible for the observed fractionation of alkali elements during laser ablation of silicate samples.

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