
Photodamage is one of the most common reasons that patients visit a dermatologist's office. Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) laser resurfacing has always been the gold standard for reversing photodamage. Because of the relatively high incidence of side effects and the prolonged downtime associated with CO(2) resurfacing, new technologies have emerged to address photodamage. Portrait skin regeneration (PSR) is a novel device that has been developed to treat photodamage, and this device yields fewer side effects and downtime than traditional CO(2) laser resurfacing. At our center, we have performed more than 500 high-energy PSR treatments and have developed a unique and highly effective treatment protocol. In addition, fractional CO(2) laser resurfacing has emerged as the latest technology developed to combat photoaging. This technology yields impressive results and is much safer and causes less downtime than traditional CO(2) laser resurfacing. In this article, we will review our treatment techniques and protocols as well as address patient selection, preoperative and postoperative care, and anesthesia.

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