
Abstract The standard extremal p-brane solutions in supergravity are known to allow for a generalisation which consists of adding a linear dependence on the worldvolume coordinates to the usual harmonic function. In this note we demonstrate that remarkably this generalisation goes through in exactly the same way for p-branes with fluxes added to it that correspond to fractional p-branes. We relate this to warped orientifold compactifications by trading the Dp-branes for Op-planes that solve the RR tadpole condition. This allows us to interpret the worldvolume dependence as due to lower-dimensional scalars that flow along the massless directions in the no-scale potential. Depending on the details of the fluxes these flows can be supersymmetric domain wall flows. Our solutions provide explicit examples of backreacted orientifold planes in compactifications with non-constant moduli.


  • Which sources are smeared) at least captures the correct on-shell value for the moduli and the cosmological constant

  • One method to develop or test WEFT proposals is to construct fully backreacted tendimensional solutions and dimensionally reduce them to check the consistency of the lower-dimensional WEFT. This strategy has been followed in [5, 6, 15, 18, 20, 22]. It is the aim of this paper to continue with this strategy and take a first step towards constructing general non-trivial backreacted solutions that do not describe critical points of the lowerdimensional theory but dynamical solutions with non-constant scalars

  • In this paper we focus on the solutions and their interpretation in the WEFT, but the actual application to constructing and testing WEFT will be done elsewhere

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Warm up: dynamical branes

P+1 and the coordinates along the transversal space are yi with i = 1, . Where ⋆9−p is with respect to the transversal space metric ds29−p.3 Both the worldvolume metric and transversal metric are taken to be Ricci flat: ds2p+1 = gaWb dxadxb , ds29−p = giTj dyidyj , Rab(gW ) = 0 , Rij(gT ) = 0. The most well known solutions are those corresponding to string theory Dp-branes in flat space, for p = 0, . GW is the Minkowski metric, gT the metric on flat Euclidean space and the harmonic functions are HW = 0, HT (r). Where r is the radial coordinate in the transversal space. For a flat worldvolume the solution for HW is most written in Cartesian coordinates. Since x0 is the time-direction we can for instance make timedependent brane solutions in this way [25]

Generalised fractional brane solutions
General idea
Explicit example
Three-scalar truncation
Some special domain wall flows
A Ricci tensor
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