
As a non-homogeneous porous medium, the structural complexity of coal directly affects pore structure parameters and gas percolation characteristics, which in turn determine the fractal dimension of coal samples. Among them, the specific surface area of coal largely determines the complexity of the pore structure and is closely related to coal and gas protrusion hazards. To investigate the relationship between the fractal dimension of coal and its specific surface area, we analyzed the pore structure of coal samples using low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, the mercury pressure method, and X-ray micro-computed tomography (CT) experiments. By calculating the fractal dimension of coal and reconstructing it in three dimensions, the morphological characteristics and distribution of pores can be described qualitatively and quantitatively. The fractal dimension of coal samples was found to increase exponentially with the specific surface area based on measurements of large pores and mesopores via the mercury pressure method and those of small pores and micropores using the nitrogen adsorption method. X-ray micro-CT experiments revealed that the fractal dimension of large pores (i.e., >2 μm) conformed to this pattern.

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