
Time series display irregular patterns and self-similar microstructures usually termed as fractals over a period of time, depending on several factors like climate, season, market fluctuations, growth cycles etc. Various methods are developed in mathematical modeling to investigate such trends in the time series. Black carbon is one of the major air pollutants released during several mining activities having dangerous effect on climate and human health. In this paper we aim to study the behavioral pattern and trends in the time series of black carbon concentration over the three major coal mines of India namely Raniganj, Jharia and Bokaro considering a long term time series data of past 38 years using regression and fractal dimensional analysis of black carbon between the major coal mines with the help statistical tools like Hurst exponent, predictability index and trend percent. In this comparative study it is observed that the time series display anti persistent behavior with positive and large variation then the past time. The results and comparisons obtained will be helpful in studying the behavior and trends in the concentration of black carbon over the coal mines regions. The significance of the study will be helpful to gather the interest of researcher’s, NGO’s and government towards the black carbon concentration over the coal mines so that preventive measures and new policies be framed to keep a check on black carbon concentration in these areas.

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