
Forkhead box O4 (FOXO4) is a human transcription factor (TF) that participates in cell homeostasis. While the structure and DNA binding properties of the conserved forkhead domain (FHD) have been thoroughly investigated, how the transactivation domain (TAD) regulates the DNA binding properties of the protein remains elusive. Here, we investigated the role of TAD in modulating the DNA binding properties of FOXO4 using solution NMR. We found that TAD and FHD form an intramolecular complex mainly governed by hydrophobic interaction. Remarkably, TAD and DNA share the same surface of FHD for binding. While FHD did not differentiate binding to target and non-target DNA, the FHD-TAD complex showed different behaviors depending on the DNA sequence. In the presence of TAD, free and DNA-bound FHD exhibited a slow exchange with target DNA and a fast exchange with non-target DNA. The interaction of the two domains affected the kinetic function of FHD depending on the type of DNA. Based on these findings, we suggest a transcription initiation model by which TAD modulates FOXO4 recognition of its target promoter DNA sequences. This study describes the function of TAD in FOXO4 and provides a new kinetic perspective on target sequence selection by TFs.

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