
UV generation via four-wave-mixing (FWM) in optical microfibres (OMFs) was demonstrated. This was achieved by exploiting the tailorable dispersion of the OMF in order to phase match the propagation constant of the four frequencies involved in the FWM process. In order to satisfy the frequency requirement for FWM, a Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) working at the telecom C-band was connected to a periodically poled silica fibre (PPSF), producing a fundamental frequency (FF) at 1550.3nm and a second harmonic (SH) frequency at 775.2nm. A by-product of this second harmonic generation is the generation of a signal at the third harmonic (TH) frequency of 516.7nm via degenerate FWM. This then allows the generation of the fourth harmonic (FH) at 387.6nm and the fifth harmonic (5H) at 310nm via degenerate and nondegenerate FWM in the OMF.The output of the PPSF was connected to a pure silica core fibre which was being tapered using the modified flame brushing technique from an initial diameter of 125µm to 0.5µm. While no signal at any UV wavelength was initially observed, as the OMF diameter reached the correct phase matching diameters, signals at 387.6nm appeared. Signals at 310nm also appeared although it is not phase matched, as the small difference in the propagation constant is bridged by other nonlinear processes such as self-phase and cross phase modulation.

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