
The construction of highresolution differenceschemes for hyperbolic equations has been addressedin numerous works (see [1, 2] and the referencestherein). Several methods are available for improvingthe accuracy of schemes in space. They can be basedon multipoint stencils; differential consequences ofthe original equations; compact approximations ofderivatives [3]; and combinations of grid functionsobtained on different grids, for example, the Richardson method [4, 5]. There are also approaches thatcombine these methods. For example, in the wellknown work [6] concerning gasdynamic computations, a fourthorder compact approximation and differential consequences of the original equation wereused to construct a fourthorder accurate scheme on atwopoint stencil for a thirdorder scalar nonlineardifferential equation. An analysis of the literature shows that [6] is apparently the first to construct a fourthorder accuratescheme on a twopoint stencil in space. Importantly,in the computation of highgradient flows on the basisof hyperbolic conservation laws [1, 2], twopoint compact schemes seem more promising than threepointones [3] because the former have the following important properties. First, twopoint stencil schemes preserve the order of accuracy in the transition from auniform to a nonuniform grid. Second, interpolationacross a discontinuity in compact twopoint schemescan be avoided by placing a grid node at the discontinuity point. The major elements of the technique of [6] for constructing difference schemes include the introductionof derivatives as additional unknown functions inorder to reduce highorder equations to systems offirstorder equations, the use of the integrointerpolation method, and the Simpson and Maclaurin quadrature rules. Note that in this technique replacing theSimpson and Maclaurin formulas by the trapezoidalrule yields secondorder accurate twopoint schemes.In [6, 7], a secondorder scheme on a twopointminimum stencil for hyperbolic equations wasobtained via the introduction of the derivative of theunknown function as an additional independent variable. In [8] the same technique was used to construct afourthorder scheme on a twopoint stencil for theheat equation. In the recent paper [9], higher orderaccurate schemes on a twopoint stencil were called,for brevity, bicompact. Below, we will follow this (inour view apt) terminology.In [10] the bicompact scheme of [6] for a thirdorder scalar differential equation was modified andextended to systems of secondorder nonlinear differential equations. This modified scheme was used in[11, 12] to solve inner and outer problems in viscousgas dynamics.In contrast to [6–12], for deriving bicompactschemes, we use, as auxiliary functions, primitives ofthe original unknown functions rather than their spatial derivatives. Importantly, the auxiliary functionsthus introduced are once more differentiable than theoriginal unknown functions. For example, if a gasdynamic variable is a piecewise continuous function,then its primitive is a piecewise smooth function. In this work, we construct unconditionally stablefourthorder accurate implicit bicompact schemes forlinear and nonlinear equations and systems of equations of the hyperbolic type written in conservativeform. Based on these schemes, the solution to a mixedCauchy problem [13] is determined by the runningcalculation method. The properties of these schemesare examined. Test computations confirm the accuracy and high quality of the resulting solutions.Below, we construct and analyze bicompactschemes for linear and nonlinear hyperbolic equationsand systems of equations wri tten in conservative form.

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