
We give a descriptive review of the fermionic basis approach to the theory of correlation functions of the XXZ quantum spin chain. The emphasis is on explicit formulae for short-range correlation functions which will be presented in a way that allows for their direct implementation on a computer. Within the fermionic basis approach a huge class of stationary reduced density matrices, compatible with the integrable structure of the model, assumes a factorized form. This means that all expectation values of local operators and all two-point functions, in particular, can be represented as multivariate polynomials in only two functions ρ and ω and their derivatives with coefficients that are rational in the deformation parameter q of the model. These coefficients are of ‘algebraic origin’. They do not depend on the choice of the density matrix, which only impacts the form of ρ and ω. As an example we work out in detail the case of the grand canonical ensemble at temperature T and magnetic field h for q in the critical regime. We compare our exact results for the fourth-neighbour two-point functions with asymptotic formulae for h, T = 0 and for finite h and T.

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