
Editor's foreword and opening address Part I. Theme A: The Biology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae Section 1. Field Observations: 1. The dispersal of the larvae of shoal-water benthic invertebrate species over long distances by ocean currents 2. Transport of bivalve larvae in a tidal estuary 3. Observations on the occurrence of planktonic larvae of several bivalves in the Northern Adriatic Sea 4. Comparative investigations of the development of epibenthic communities from Gloucester, Massachusetts to St Thomas, Virgin Islands 5. Settlement of mussel larvae, Mytilius edulis, on suspended collectors in Norwegian waters Section 2. Experiments on Behaviour and Distribution: 6. On the ecology of young Idotea in the Baltic 7. Choice of algae by larvae of Spirobis, particularly of Spirorbis spirobis 8. Settlement and orientated growth in epiphytic and epizoic byozoans 9. Settlement and growth pattern of the parasitic barnacle Pyrgoma anglicum 10. Electrophotetic examination of partially purified extracts of Balanus balanoides containing a settlement inducing factor 11. The biology of larvae of Ophilitaspongia seriata from two North Wales populations 11. Host selection and ecology of marine digenean larvae Section 3. Growth, Development and Fine Structure: 12. Effet de la temperature sur le developpement endotrophe des pluteus 13. La forme elliptique de la relation temperature-duree de developpement embryonnaire chez les copepodes pelagiques et ses propietes 14. The effect of cyclic temperatures on larval development in the mud-crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii 15. Les veligeres planctoniques de Prosobranches de la region de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Mediterranee occidentale): phylogenie et metamorphose 16. Concerning the fourth antennulzr segment of the cypris larva of Balanus balanoides 17. The fine structure of the trochophore of Harmothoe imbricata 18. Developpement larvaire de Microspio mecznikowianus 19. Some morphological changes that occur at the metamorphosis of the arvae of Mytilius edulis 20. The histology of the larva of Ostrea edulis during metamorphosis 21. Transient larval glands in palaemonetes 22. Spicule formation and corrosion in recently metamorphosed syon ciliatum (O. Fabricus) Part II. Theme B: Light in the Marine Environment Section 1. Measurement of Illumination and its Influence in Submarine Environment: 1. The measurement of inshore submarine irradiation 2. Continuous recording of underwater light in relation to Laminaria distribution 3. Seasonal growth of Laminaria hyperborea under recorded underwater light conditions near Helgoland 4. The effect of light on the growth of algal spores 5. Light quality and the photomorphogenesis of alge in marine environments 6. Studies on the responses of marine phytoplankton to light fields of varying intensity 7. Light and the distribution of organisms in a sea cave 8. Light conditions and shade seeking populations among algal settlements 9. Responses of the larvae of Diposoma listerianum to light and gravity 10. Food searching potential in marine fish larvae 11. A new light trap for plankton 12. Responses to light of Asterias rubens 12. Diurnal rhythms in snails and starfish 13. Orientation to light and the shading response in barnacles 14. The light sensitivity and light environment of Corophium volutator (abstract only) 15. La lumiere et le declenchement de la ponte chez Ciona intestinalis 16. Light controlled swarming in the polychaete Autolytus (abstract only) 17. Light and gonad development in Pontoporeia affinis Index.

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