
To every reduced (projective) curve X with planar singularities one can associate many fine compactified Jacobians, depending on the choice of a polarization on X, which are birational (possibly non-isomorphic) Calabi-Yau projective varieties with locally complete intersection singularities. We define a Poincare' sheaf on the product of any two (possibly equal) fine compactified Jacobians of X and show that the integral transform with kernel the Poincare' sheaf is an equivalence of their derived categories. In particular, any two fine compactified Jacobians are derived equivalent. When applied to the same fine compactified Jacobian, one gets a Fourier-Mukai autoequivalence, which generalizes the classical result of Mukai for Jacobians of smooth curves (or more generally abelian varieties) and of Arinkin for compactified Jacobians of integral curves, thus providing further evidence for the classical limit of the geometric Langlands conjecture (as formulated by R. Donagi and T. Pantev). As a corollary of our main result, we prove an autoduality result for fine compactified Jacobians: there is a natural equivariant open embedding of the connected component of the scheme parametrizing rank-1 torsion-free sheaves on X into the connected component of the algebraic space parametrizing rank-1 torsion-free sheaves on a given fine compactified Jacobian of X.

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