
We consider using Fourier coded aperture transform to solve the acquisition and reconstruction problem of three-dimensional (3-D) hyperspectral imaging. In recent years, Coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging (CASSI) system has received increasing attention. However, reconstruction errors are unavoidable due to its ill-posed problems and the number of dispersion channels is limited. The Hadamard transform spectral (HTS) imaging method has no limitation on the number of dispersion channels, but it usually requires a long data acquisition time. By exploring the process of coded spectral imaging, in this paper, we propose Fourier coded aperture transform spectral imaging (FCTS). We compared the performance of HTS and FCTS by theoretical analysis and experiments. The results show that FCTS has better concentrated energy than HTS on natural hyperspectral data. Compared with the Hadamard transform method, the Fourier basis mode has better physical correlation with the natural image, and the reconstruction quality of FCTS is better than that of HTS in the case of under-sampling.

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