
AbstractThe generation and manipulation of the four‐wave mixing (FWM) phenomenon is reported in a hybrid electrostatically Coulomb‐coupled optomechanical system as a result of light–matter interaction. The cavity is driven by a strong coherent pump and a weak probe field simultaneously in the presence of nanomechanical resonators (NMRs), and the output field can produce a new frequency component called the FWM frequency. In a hybrid Coulomb‐coupled cavity scheme, the existence of optomechanical coupling due to radiation pressure gives rise to the FWM phenomenon, which is shown both analytically and numerically. A controllable enhancement of the FWM intensity is found by tuning the pump field strength and its spectrum disappears upon switching the strength off. A significant enhancement in the FWM spectrum with two peaks is also predicted due to the Coulomb coupling strength existing between two electrostatically coupled NMR1 and NMR2. A suppressive behavior of the FWM signal is also observed upon increasing the cavity decay rate and a substantial modulation in the signal by changing the probe‐pump field detuning. Finally, the FWM spectrum is very sensitive to both the effective resonance frequencies and effective masses of the NMRs.

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