
Abstract 1. Given the latest archaeological evidence, one should expect terms pertaining to water management and hydraulic engineering in the Linear B corpus. Identification of such terms will aid in current and future interpretations. 2. Archaeological context. 3. Four terms: (1) a-de-te /*arde(s)tḗr/ ‘irrigator’; (2) e-re-e-u /heleheu̯s/ ‘he pertaining to marshland’ (probably land improvement functionary in reciprocal management relationship with e-sa-re-u); (3) *po-te-re-u /*bothreu̯s/ (/*phothreus/?) ‘he pertaining to trenches’; (4) *u-do-no-o /(h)udr̥nohos/ ‘water-channeler’ (< IE *nei̯H-/*noi̯H- ‘channeling, directing, diverting, driving’, etc.). 4. Some possibilities: ko-ku-ro, pe-re-wa-ta, e-ko-me-no, and za-e-to-ro. 5. Discussion: water management and organization of labor recorded in the Linear B texts. 6. Conclusions.

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