
Bogner J.: Four new species of Culcasia and Stylochaeton (Araceae) from tropical Africa. — Willdenowia 41: 57–66. — Online ISSN 1868-6397; © 2011 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.. doi:10.3372/wi.41.41106 (available via http//dx.doi.org/)Two species of Culcasia, C. brevipetiolata from Gabon and C. linearifolia from Gabon and Cameroon, and two new species of Stylochaeton, S. pilosus from Sierra Leone and S. malaissei from DR Congo, are described as new to science and illustrated. C. brevipetiolata is characterised by short petioles and leaf blades with a rounded base, C. linearifolia by linear leaf blades, S. pilosus by ± rounded, abaxially hairy leaf blades and hairy petioles, and S. malaissei by leaf blades with a cuneate base.

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