
Four new species of oribatid mites, Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov. (Mochlozetidae), Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov. (Granuloppiidae), Caucasiozetes frankeae sp. nov. (Microzetidae) and Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) vietnamicus sp. nov. (Otocepheidae) from forest soil, litter and decaying wood of Cat Tien National Park in southern Vietnam are described. The representative of the genus Gigantoppia as well as Unguizetes sphaerula is recorded for the first time in Vietnam, and the genus Caucasiozetes is firstly recorded in the Oriental Region. A new generic diagnosis of Caucasiozetes is presented, and an identification key to the Vietnamese species of Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) is presented.

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