
AbstractFour new species from Cuba are described in the genusOcellularia, emphasizing the importance of the Caribbean for the diversification of lichen fungi and the level of unrecognized species richness inOcellularia. Three of the new species belong in theO. bahianagroup:O. coronataLücking & Pérez-Ortega, differing fromO. bahianaby the ridged to folded thallus, vertically ridged apothecia, and complex columella largely covering the disc;O. fuscosporaLücking & Pérez-Ortega, differing fromO. urceolarisin the immersed to erumpent, columellate apothecia; andO. radiataLücking, differing fromO. bahianain the complex, radiating columella filling the disc. In contrast,Ocellularia nigririmisLücking & Pérez-Ortega is a species of theO. papillatamorphodeme with immersed apothecia with a small, black-rimmed pore filled by a greyish black columella, and small ascospores. We also clarify the taxonomy and nomenclature of columellate taxa in theO. bahianagroup and provide a key to all thelotremoidGraphidaceaewith small, brown, (sub-)muriform ascospores. The new combinationOcellularia lunensis(Nagarkar & Hale) Lücking is proposed.

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