
♀. Head clothed almost entirely with broad flat scales, though there are a very few narrow curved ones and a few upright forked ones on the nape. Scales at the back of the head mostly light ochreous; a rather broad creamy mid-dorsal stripe, and a conspicuous silvery margin to the eyes; remaining scales on upper part of head forming two large but irregular patches of black; another small black patch low down among the creamy scales on each side. Clypeus bare, dark brown. Eyes well separated. Orbital bristles dark brown. Proboscis blackish, slender, slightly longer than the front femora. Palpi fully one-fourth as long as the proboscis, blackish, with the usual conspicuous silvery apical patch. Tori blackish, with a large patch of silvery-white scales. Thorax with the integument uniformly black. Mesonotum clothed mainly with rather large and coarse, dull brown, narrow, curved scales, those surrounding the ante-scutellar space golden-brown, but scarcely any broader than the others, and not forming definite lines; no mid-dorsal golden line; a small patch of board flat silvery scales in the middle of the front margin, and a small patch of narrower scales in front of the root of each wing; a pair of large crescent-shaped patches of broadly crescent-patches of broadly crescent-shaped silvery-white scales in the anterior half. Scutellum with the median and lateral bodies lobes completely clothed with silvery scales. Prothoracic lobes, pro-epimera bristles, and a large part of the pleurae clothed with silvery-white scales. About five pro-epimeral bristles, and about five post-spiracular; no lower mesepimeral. Abdomen clothed mostly with purplish-black scales; the first tergite, and a basal band on each of tergite, 2–7, creamy white; all tergites with large silvery basal lateral spots, and sternites with silvery basal bands. Eighth segment rather prominent; cerci very short. Legs rather slender. Front femora almost entirely black; mid fermora black except for a small white spot on the anterior side just beyond the middle, and a rather conspicuous silvery-white tip; hind femora all white on the basal fourth, the outer side silvery-white to a little beyond the middle and also rather broadly at the tip. Front and middle tibiae with a small white spot at the base beneath, hind tibiae entirely black. Front and middle tarsi black, with narrow white rings at the bases of the first two segments; hind tarsi with rather narrow white rings at the bases of the first three segments, fourth segment white except for the extreme tip, fifth all black. Front and middle claws toothed; hind simple. Wings normal, the scales ligulate and rather dense. Wing-length 4 mm.

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