
We evaluate four-gauge-particle tree level scattering amplitudes using the Polyakov string path integral in the proper-time gauge, where the string path integral can be cast into the Feynman-Schwinger proper-time representation. We compare the resultant scattering amplitudes, which include α′-corrections, with the conventional ones that may be obtained by substituting local vertex operators for the external string states. In the zero-slope limit, both amplitudes are reduced to the four-gauge-particle scattering amplitude of non-Abelian Yang-Mills gauge theory. However, when the string corrections become relevant with finite α′, the scattering amplitude in the proper-time gauge differs from the conventional one: The Polyakov string path integral in the proper-time gauge, equivalent to the deformed cubic string field theory, systematically provides the alpha prime corrections. In addition, we find that the scattering amplitude in the proper-time gauge contains tachyon poles in a manner consistent with three-particle-scattering amplitudes. The scattering amplitudes evaluated using the Polyakov string path integral in the proper-time gauge may be more suitable than conventional ones for exploring string corrections to the quantum field theories and high energy behaviors of open string.

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