
The use of four pulsed rf fields for the excitation of multiphoton resonances in a two-level system is investigated. A general theoretical description of the experiment is provided based on the Floquet formalism and application of basic conservation laws to the overall transition process. The predictions of the theory are compared with computer simulations of the time evolution of the magnetization according to the exact time-dependent Hamiltonian. It is shown that N-photon resonances occur when the fields are applied at frequencies \ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}k\ensuremath{\omega} and \ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}l\ensuremath{\omega} from the Larmor frequency, where k and l are positive integers having no common factors and where 0\ensuremath{\le}k<l, k+l=N. For any resonance k photons are taken from the outer field pair and l are taken from the inner field pair. A total of 2[(l+k)!]/(k!l!) mutually interfering transition pathways exist for the overall process and the resultant magnitude of the effective N-photon field is very sensitive to the relative initial phases of the rf fields. The spiral motion observed for multiphoton resonances induced by double-frequency irradiation is absent here when the field intensities are symmetrical. In addition, the fraction of total applied rf intensity available for multiphoton pumping is considerably greater than for two fields. Phase cycling to enhance detection of multiphoton effects and multiphoton spin locking are considered.

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