
We note that, as soon as retroaction and nonlocality (in an ordered way) inter- fere with physical phenomena, we may get the impression of miracles (para- normal phenomena) from a local causal point of view: the latter cannot explain them. 2. We start from some well-known processes, such as Young's double-slit experi- ment and EPR, in order to extend relevant feedback processes and nonlocal co- herence to living organisms and their influence on the environment. 3. We explain how retroaction emanating from living organisms may take the shape of goal orientation and make psychokinesis (PK) and clairvoyance easier to understand. We discuss concrete models of PK and clairvoyance and of strik- ing coincidences and telepathy. 4. Our physical model joins with the observational that dominates in professional parapsychology. 5. We investigate how far such a model implies humankind to be a four- dimensional organism up to a certain degree, taking into account hitherto un- known interindividual unconscious communications. 6. In all, our theory implies a change of paradigm, which also leads to an integra- tion of deterministic God does not play dice and antireductionist A micro- process acts as a whole. That is, it introduces nonlocal determinism in which the psychological dimension is inherent.

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